High praise for Sixth Form linguists in debating competition| News And Newsletters | Pocklington School | Private Day & Boarding School for girls and boys In East Yorkshire

Twelve Sixth Form linguists from Pocklington School travelled to St Peter's School in York to participate in the annual modern languages debating competition.

High praise for Sixth Form linguists in debating competition

The event saw two Pocklington teams competing in Spanish, one in French and one in German. Each pair engaged in two debates, presenting arguments in their chosen language either supporting or opposing the notions that marriage is an outdated concept and that smartphones should be banned. The students had diligently prepared their arguments over the past few weeks during their language lessons, in sessions with language assistants and through independent study.

  Sixth Form students sat at desks in a classroom at Pocklington School, a private day and boarding school for girls and boys in Yorkshire-OptimizedImage,Sixth Form,Optimized,academic

The students performed remarkably well in this challenging event, showing significant improvement from the first round to the second. Both Spanish-speaking teams won their initial rounds, and Ailsa Preston and Charlotte Marson also secured victory in their second debate, advancing them to the semi-finals. There, they encountered strong competitors and narrowly missed advancing to the finals.

Everyone involved deserves praise for their outstanding efforts in this tough competition. Congratulations to Ailsa Preston, Charlotte Mason, Sara Di Stasio, Lula Allams, Lucy Coles, Ruby Blackburn, Zahra Hasanbasoglu and Lydia Cazzalini. Special thanks to Joel Perl-Thethi for assisting in judging the German competition.

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"It was a fantastic opportunity for our students to practise their speaking and listening skills and to meet fellow linguists from nearby schools.
The Lower Sixth students are already eager to compete again next year."
Catherine Davies,

teacher of French and German and subject leader of German at Pocklington School

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