Sixth Form Life | Sixth Form | Pocklington School | Day & Boarding School In East Yorkshire

Pocklington Sixth Form has a wonderful culture and ethos rooted in our core values of Courage, Truth and Trust. We encourage each young person to be aspirational in setting their personal goals and enable them to maximise their talents and become well-rounded, kind young adults.

Sixth Form is a time to become more intellectually independent and aim high

Sixth Form study offers students the chance to develop, with guidance and support, greater levels of independence and autonomy, by introducing a wider element of choice and self-direction into the structure and content of their personalised study programme.

Students choose their core academic subjects from an extensive range of options, including A levels and BTEC Nationals. Additionally, they can enhance this by selecting an enrichment course that suits their interests and skills.

In addition to lessons in core academic subjects and enrichment courses, Sixth Form students have timetabled library and private study periods throughout the week. Our Sixth Form Centre offers a variety of zones, including calm spaces with workstations for individual and small group work, a meeting room, and a Sixth Form Café for a more relaxed atmosphere. The Sixth Form Centre also has easy access to the Sixth Form mezzanine in our School Library; this area is stocked with resources specific to Sixth Form and is for silent, focused study. Students can also make use of the Tom Stoppard Centre, Art and Design Centre, Sports Hall and gym in their free time.

Sixth Form students are encouraged to take on challenges beyond their academic studies

Sport and physical exercise play important roles in developing the all-round strengths that define a Pocklingtonian and embody traits such as self-respect, confidence, team awareness and physical and mental wellbeing.  Every week, we allocate an entire afternoon to sporting pursuits. This enables our students to refine their abilities with expert coaching or explore new sporting activities. Additionally, there are opportunities to represent one of our sports teams during mid-week and Saturday sports fixtures.

Numerous co-curricular options are available to cater for diverse interests, ranging from clubs and societies to volunteer activities. Students can choose from a broad selection, including sports, music, drama, Community Action, Duke of Edinburgh Award and many other activities. There really is something for everyone.

Sixth Form students have the prestigious opportunity to be ambassadors and role models for the wider school community. There are more than 80 leadership roles available, including positions such as school prefect, head of house, subject prefect and sports team captain. Students who take on these responsibilities develop their confidence and interpersonal skills, whilst demonstrating their commitment to Pocklington School.


Co-Curriculum handbook

Sixth Form Prefects  at Pocklington School in church.

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