Safeguarding And Policies | School Information | Pocklington School | Day & Boarding School In East Yorkshire

Children thrive and feel valued in a safe, supportive atmosphere.

At Pocklington School, it is the responsibility of governors and all staff to protect and promote the welfare of our pupils, all of the time

Keeping children safe is our high priority and underpins everything we do. We take a comprehensive approach to safeguarding and make sure it is integrated into all our policies and processes.

You can view the Pocklington School Foundation Safeguarding Children Policy via the link below.

Safeguarding Children Policy

We take all welfare concerns seriously and encourage children and young people to talk to us about anything that worries them. We will always act in the best interests of the child, working together with children, families, staff and in co-operation with local agencies.

safeguarding team

We have a highly trained and experienced safeguarding team at Pocklington School.

Mr Steve Burke
Child Protection Governor with responsibility for the annual review of the school’s safeguarding policies and procedures

Mrs Fiona Eldridge
Deputy Safeguarding Governor

Mrs Arriane Morgan
Designated Safeguarding Lead for Pocklington School

Mr Martin Davies
Deputy Head (Pastoral) and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead for Pocklington School

Mrs Katie Dewhirst
Designated Safeguarding Lead for Pocklington Prep School (incorporating the EYFS)

Safer recruitment at Pocklington School

All staff share in our commitment
to provide a safe and secure environment for our pupils to safeguard them from harm

To protect children and young people, we follow current government guidance and carefully screen all new recruits. All staff are committed to maintaining high standards of child protection. Applicants must be willing to undergo appropriate screening, including checks with past employers and the Disclosure and Barring Service.

Pocklington School Safer Recruitment Policy

Our School policies

Our policies are designed, implemented and continuously reviewed by specialist staff

Our School handbooks

Our parent handbooks are a helpful and essential resource