Life After Sixth Form | Sixth Form | Pocklington School | Day & Boarding School In East Yorkshire

At Pocklington School, we are committed to preparing our students for the opportunities and challenges that await them beyond Sixth Form.

We recognise that each student is unique, with their own aspirations, talents, and potential post-18 paths

Our support system provides personalised guidance, helping students navigate the process of making decisions about their future. This approach ensures that advice and support are tailored to meet the individual needs of every student.

We pride ourselves on the wealth of support and guidance offered through our dedicated careers and university adviser, Oxbridge adviser, tutors and housemasters/mistresses. Our students also benefit from a diverse range of perspectives brought in by external experts, as well as making use of our Old Pocklingtonian (OP) network.

This holistic approach ensures that every student is not only well-informed but also confidently prepared for life after Sixth Form, armed with a clear vision for their future.

We are committed to ensuring that our students leave us not just academically accomplished but also confident to make their mark on the world

Through a variety of strategies, students develop core competencies such as effective communication, teamwork, interpersonal skills, organisation, leadership and initiative - skills that are highly sought by employers.

Pocklington School's tutor time programme is a cornerstone of our Sixth Form experience, designed to prepare students for life within and after the Sixth Form. The programme develops key ‘mindset for success’ characteristics, metacognition, super-curricular interests and employability skills, alongside practical techniques to support health and wellbeing, social and cultural awareness, and effective financial management. Through a variety of insightful talks and workshops led by internal and external experts, students are equipped to move forward with confidence into their futures.

We understand the importance of academic diversity in shaping well-rounded individuals, ready for the challenges of higher education and the professional world. Our after-school symposium programme and subject societies offer debates, lectures, and workshops from a broad spectrum of academic disciplines. These sessions enhance students' knowledge and provide opportunities to refine their academic and interpersonal skills, crucial for success in interviews and beyond.

We want to ensure that students make well-informed, positive and successful choices regarding post-18 education and career pathways

Through our careers programme, students can explore a wide array of post-18 options, receiving invaluable insights from a diverse range of speakers, including representatives from UK and international universities, employers, apprenticeship services and gap year providers. Alongside this, our students benefit from talks, insights and knowledge from members of the wider Pocklington School community through our Pock Connects network to further support students’ career journeys both in School and beyond.

Our specialist staff are dedicated to offering personalised support, whether your child is navigating through the UCAS application process, contemplating an apprenticeship or employment, considering taking a gap year or aspiring to study abroad. For those with ambitions in specialised fields such as medicine, dentistry, veterinary science and allied health care professions or aiming for Oxbridge, our targeted support structures, including dedicated advisers and bespoke programmes, are in place to assist with the application processes and beyond.

Throughout their senior school life, our students receive support from our careers and university adviser, who is available for one-on-one guidance tailored to individual aspirations, ensuring that each decision is a step towards students achieving their career goals. The adviser is also available for consultations with parents, allowing for an open dialogue to discuss students’ future pathways. Students have access to Morrisby Higher, a complete destinations platform that facilitates decision-making and application support.

The Old Pocklingtonian mentoring programme presents an invaluable opportunity for students to access information and advice from an experienced professional working in a relevant career sector or gain personal feedback on specific universities. With the support of their parents and School, students can connect one-on-one with an OP to explore their future career aspirations, increasing their knowledge and confidence and helping them to develop a career focus and reach their goals. The OP network is a wonderful way to gain firsthand knowledge from an experienced individual with invaluable insights and hindsight.

We believe our students need a competitive edge to realise their ambitions and succeed in today’s world

Students are supported throughout the process of applying for courses at universities in the UK and abroad, apprenticeships or other pathways in a close-knit partnership between the careers team and house staff. Students benefit from a structured programme which enables them to write high-quality personal statements and complete successful applications.

Whether a student has a clear career goal in mind or is still exploring their options, we encourage and facilitate the arrangement of regular work experience placements through our Community Action programme. Such experiences not only provide invaluable insight into their potential future professions but also can significantly enhance their UCAS applications and CVs, showcasing their initiative, commitment and wider employability skills.

Beyond this, we also equip students with vital life skills, offering interview practice, CV and job application assistance, ensuring they stand out in today’s competitive landscape.

This holistic approach to education and career readiness ensures that our students are not only prepared for the next steps in their journey but are equipped to thrive and succeed in whatever paths they choose. We are confident that, through a partnership of our students’ perseverance, diligence, and reflection, coupled with the guidance and support they receive from School, students will experience success on the August results day and beyond. However, should any of our students require further assistance with their next steps following receipt of their results, or after leaving School, help and advice is available from the careers and university adviser.





Old Pockingtonian membership lasts a lifetime and is an active network that spans generations

We take pride in our ongoing relationship with our alumni community through the Old Pocklingtonian Association (OPA), which every student can become a member of upon leaving the School.

The OPA serves as a valuable platform for Old Pockingtonias to reconnect with former classmates, forge professional connections and share advice and support across various industries and professions. Members of the association can participate in insight visits, shadowing, mentoring and networking with Old Pockingtonians and other members of the Pocklington School community to discuss individual career goals.

Pocklington School Sixth Former at a podium speaking to an audience