Prep Sports and Co-curriculum


Sport is central to the life of a Pocklington Prep School pupil

We are fortunate to have access to a huge range of sporting facilities, including a 50-acre campus, sports hall and heated indoor swimming pool.

We offer a comprehensive sporting curriculum for pupils covering five main areas of learning: gymnastics, dance, cross-country, health and fitness and athletics. From Year 3, pupils enjoy a minimum of 5 hours of sport a week, which allows them to experience all the mental, physical and social benefits of an active lifestyle.

Our sport programme is facilitated by experienced teaching staff and highly skilled specialist coaches.

From Year 3, children are able to begin participating in competitive sports such as hockey, netball, and rugby. We see competitions and tournaments as an opportunity for our children to embody the School’s Values of Courage, Truth, and Trust. Pupils work together to strengthen their communication, resilience, and drive to succeed. We tailor our sport curriculum to the individual, ensuring all pupils enjoy sport, keep fit and learn the value of being part of a supportive team.

Our co-curricular
offering is expansive

Clubs and Activities

We offer a variety of lunchtime and after-school clubs, all expertly curated to provide a broad and balanced co-curricular offering. We encourage all our pupils to engage with at least one club a week, but the vast majority do at least three, allowing them to have a huge range of physical, intellectual and personal challenges. By offering our pupils a chance to try so many new things, they are able to discover what they love! 


In Year 4 every child learns to play a musical instrument, meaning that they all can enjoy the pleasure of music and practise playing with a musical ensemble for in School and external events. The Prep School Choir is fortunate enough to be invited to sing at a variety of external events and makes a significant contribution to school concerts and services.

We house a variety of Prep School ensembles including String Group, Brass Group and Advanced Music Group which allow pupils to practise the skill and thrill of musical collaboration. The annual House Music Competition involves all pupils, and informal concerts provide a platform for singers and instrumentalists to develop and share their talents with others.

Pocklington School Pupil learning to play cello




We believe that drama equips pupils with vital life skills such as confidence, collaboration, and creativity. We encourage pupils to be involved in the theatre, whether that be backstage or front of house! All form groups devise and present an assembly once a year to the rest of the School, which parents are warmly invited to.

Years 3 and 4 perform a play every Lent term, whilst the Year 5 and 6 performance takes place in the Summer term. All productions are staged in the 300-seat capacity Tom Stoppard Theatre, allowing pupils a rounded experience of putting on a professional-style performance from start to finish.

Pocklington Prep School pupils performing their production in the Tom Stoppard Theatre