Prep Life

Prep School provides a nurturing and joyful atmosphere for pupils, with engaging curriculum activities, specialist subject teaching and immersive co-curricular activities.

The life of a Pocklington Prep pupil is exciting and varied

From the moment your child enters school in the morning, they are welcomed into a nurturing and happy environment. Mornings in the Prep School are filled with enriching curriculum activities which span from child-led assemblies about personal topics, to talks from external or Senior School speakers, all working to expand and challenge these growing minds.

This is followed by a day of exciting and expansive lessons which range from grounded, specialist teaching in subjects like maths and science, to engrossing explorations in wider knowledge with our Curiosity Project.

Prep School Curriculum

Our pupils are supported by dedicated, subject specific teaching

Alongside the Curiosity Project, we ensure that children have a grounding in more ‘traditional’ knowledge. Specialist teachers deliver lessons in modern languages, art, music, sport, and computing. We have a strong commitment to provisioning all pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum, encouraging every child to find what they enjoy.

Children enjoy long lunchtimes
to grow and explore 

At Prep School, children enjoy long lunch breaks followed by daily 45-minute skills sessions. As well as taking a well deserved rest, these lunch breaks and skills sessions are a chance for children to explore new things and experiment with exciting activities, alongside their closest friends. This time offers the opportunity for further sports practice as well as club sessions for a huge range of activities including judo, chess, languages, dance, Warhammer, cross-country, orchestra, choir, orienteering, and cinema. 

Life at Prep School is enriched by a range of sporting and co-curricular pursuits

The life of a Pocklington Prep pupil is greatly enhanced by their sporting and co-curricular pursuits. Children enjoy weekly swimming lessons in our on-site heated swimming pool, regular PE sessions and as they progress through Prep School are given the chance to participate in more competitive sports fixtures.

Children are also given the chance to sing in concerts, play musical instruments and perform in large-scale productions to the audience in our own Tom Stoppard Theatre.

Explore more

Pocklington Prep School girl smiling in school sports day sack race

We provide excellent
wraparound care

At Prep School we are proud to provide outstanding support for families. Our before and after-school care and boarding options help ease childcare difficulties during a busy working week.

Before school, Prep School pupils are able to have breakfast in the dining hall for a small charge. Some of them even have this after an early morning swim with the Swim Squad!

We offer equally vibrant after-school care until 5.45pm. Year 3 and 4 pupils meet after school to participate in a range of activities. Year 5 and 6 complete homework related activities until 4.30pm when they join the younger pupils for these fun activities. Children are provided with a snack if they stay after 4.30pm and, for a small additional charge, can be accompanied by a member of staff to the dining hall for their evening meal.

If you’d like your child to stay for a little longer, our oldest Prep School pupils have the option to join their peers in boarding on a weekly, part-time or occasional basis. This can complement and ease family life, as well as developing a child’s social skills, confidence, and self-reliance.

Boarding Options

Pocklington Prep School boarders share breakfast together in the junior boys boarding house