Prep Academic Curriculum

Our wide-ranging and exciting curriculum offers the opportunity to delve deeper, think critically and follow independent lines of enquiry.

Pupils in Prep School follow our bespoke Curiosity Project curriculum

Each class investigates a ‘Curiosity Question’ every half-term. All the questions are open-ended, designed to provoke thoughtful discussion and encourage a deep dive into distinct knowledge areas. For example, in answer to the question “Is conflict always worthwhile?” pupils may work as historians, investigating World War II. Or when answering “What makes a home?” children might look at the development of British castles and act as architects to design new fortresses combining the best of castles from across the country. The breadth and variety of the Curiosity Project often allows us to welcome external speakers into School and go on excursions, all whilst enabling children to become resilient and inquisitive learners.

Two Prep School pupils play a mini bowling game together using an iPad.

Our pupils are supported by dedicated, subject specific teaching

Alongside the Curiosity Project, we ensure that children have a grounding in more ‘traditional’ knowledge. Specialist teachers deliver lessons in modern languages, art, music, sport, and computing. We have a strong commitment to provisioning all pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum, encouraging every child to find what they enjoy.

Prep Learning support

Learning opportunities are not limited to the classroom

Pupils’ love for learning is only strengthened by their wealth of exciting educational visits, which are invaluable to our pupils. Extending our learning outside of the classroom allows pupils to make crucial links between their education and the wider world. Pupils learn how to engage thoughtfully and inquisitively with the world around them.

Each class will enjoy at least one trip per term, a residential in Years 4 and 6 and a biennial trip to France for Years 5 and 6.