Lower School

Pupils aged from 11 to 13 years enter Lower School, where they receive specialist and personal support to enable their smooth transition into Senior School.

Welcome to Pocklington Lower School - where futures begin

Moving up to any senior school can be quite a daunting time: the world that young people experience suddenly becomes much bigger and moves at a relentless pace. Therefore, we aim to guide our pupils through a phased transition into Pocklington School life, helping them to settle whilst gradually introducing them to the wide range of opportunities that the School has to offer.

Opportunity is the foundation of the Pocklington experience. Pupils in Years 7 to 8 enjoy developing independent learning skills and taking intellectual risks without the pressure of public exams. They are encouraged to take part in a wide array of activities from team sport to drama, music, societies, clubs, trips and more, which enable them to develop the discipline of regular practice and commitment whilst enjoying a change of focus and having fun. These activities also help pupils build their communication, teamwork and leadership skills, which boosts self-esteem.

Group picture of Lower School House Camp on the beach

Enriching experiences
outside the classroom

We are also aware that the eleven-year-old who arrives into our Lower School will be leaving university a decade later to enter a global workforce. Therefore, I am very much of the belief that our pupils increasingly require the skills of autonomy and collaboration, as much as those of the traditional academic study, if they are to be successful and fulfilled in their future life. Furthermore, instilling a healthy aspiration and natural inquisitiveness is a vital part of our mission.

Pocklington Lower School is a happy and unique place that benefits from the support of an outstanding pastoral group who care deeply for each and every one of our pupils. We are confident that when pupils move up to the Third Year, and then their public exam years, they will understand that there are very few actual barriers to what they can achieve, given a good work ethic and a positive outlook. 

Look around the website and arrange a visit today!

Sam Hughes

Head of Lower School