Support Us | Pocklington School | Day & Boarding School In East Yorkshire

Continuing the culture of philanthropy on which it was founded over 500 years ago, the Pocklington School community consistently gives back to the School. 

Whether it’s offering work experience to a fellow former student, speaking at an event, or giving a regular gift to support our bursary fund, we are fortunate to be part of a community that actively helps each other.

How you can
support us

Working closely with pupils, teachers, current and former parents, the Old Pocklingtonian Association, Governors and Life Patrons, the Development Office aims to encourage long term, sustainable support for both new building projects and transformational bursaries, and other causes which enable Pocklington School to realise its vision and achieve its aims.

We also work in partnership with local schools, voluntary organisations and other charities through our school outreach, community action and our public benefit programmes.

To find out about the different ways you can give back to Pocklington School, contact Jenny Preston, Development Office, or email.

Donate Now

Giving back to our community

Central to the ethos of Pocklington is the philanthropic aim of giving back.  Whether a current or former pupil, parent or staff member, Pocklington School offers many opportunities to share time and expertise.

Pocklington Sixth Formers helping at local shop I Love Zero as part of community Action

Ways to support

Find out more and donate